👋 Welcome to the Antler Sustainability Toolkit! This toolkit is your comprehensive guide as you embark on your sustainability journey with your early-stage company. Designed to be your ultimate resource, it aims to simplify the complex path to sustainable business practices.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f8ebffb0-d72e-45e1-802a-fe0dffacf101/Antler_Sign.jpeg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f8ebffb0-d72e-45e1-802a-fe0dffacf101/Antler_Sign.jpeg" width="40px" /> We recommend doing your own research to tailor sustainability goals, processes, and policies to your company's unique context. Our toolkit aims to lighten your load by offering a curated selection of critical investor queries, practical tools, and insights on best practices.


We're aware that our toolkit might not cover everything, and we're always looking to improve. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share your thoughts through this survey.


<aside> 💡 Key insight: A frequent question arises regarding the difference between ESG and impact. While both concepts are important, they serve distinct roles.

Understanding ESG and impact: Clarifying confusions



How to navigate the toolkit

Sustainability’s value for startups

From understanding to action

Recommendations at a glance

Workplace culture & employment practices

Why does it matter?

The first steps

Key investor questions

Data privacy & cybersecurity

Why does it matter?

The first steps

Key investor questions

Responsible product design

Why does it matter?

The first steps

Key investor questions

Environmental effect

Why does it matter?

The first steps

Key investor questions

Supply chain management

Why does it matter?

The first steps

Key investor questions

Impact companies

The first steps

Next level practices

Frameworks, tools & fundraising

Useful resources

Risk and opportunity assessment

Sustainability priorities by industry

Take a sustainability health check


Virtual classrooms

Standards for listed companies

The exit checklist

Important information

The views reflected in this toolkit are the views of the Antler and do not necessarily reflect the views of the broader global VC industry. The toolkit will be updated on an annual basis but do let us know if you think any of the information should be updated more frequently. If you find the content useful and share it, please give proper accreditation to Antler. This can be done by including a link back to the original content, as well as mentioning our company name and/or handle in any accompanying captions or text. Thank you for your cooperation and support.