πŸ‘‹ Let's get started!

We built this 18 step playbook as a resource to nail the establishment phase of your business - helping you take bold steps forward.

It's designed to be useful for those either pre-idea or are actively working at the early stages of your startup.


Add the Playblook to your Notion by clicking on Duplicate πŸ‘ˆ

This playbook acts as a key feature in our Antler Academy live cohorts. Over 5 weeks you'll:

You can also power away independently on this playbook as a stand-alone resource.

<aside> ✌️ Let us know what you think! We launched this in Feb 2021 so your among the first users of this playbook in the Antler Academy. Ideas, suggestions, comments email Nic from the Antler Education team


<aside> 🚧 Beep beep boop. This playbook references πŸ’Ž a 'showcase page' throughout. This is a new feature we're working on, predicted to launch mid-March 2021!


Part 1: Ideating πŸ’‘


Integrate to your showcase page

Part 2: Concepting 🎯


Integrate to your showcase page

Part 3: Validating & Building πŸ’¬


Integrate to your showcase page