Commander Personality

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Anish Wijesinghe 3D Avatar.glb

👋 About me

Been building products since I was like 5... I love working on products that alleviate creative barriers. My short attention span allows me spot any inefficiencies within systems and tackle solutions fast. Just know that whenever I yell at you its purely because we want the same thing... to be working at a great company! 😋

💖 Passion

I love working on products that alleviate creative barriers. I enjoy making something new and challenging the conventional norms of an industry. I do it in my sleep and whenever I have time to think. Oh, and I don't settle for anything that feels not perfectly done. It's just who I am.

🏆 Goals

Run product companies that lead revolutions in multiple industries.

🏋️ Module Dashboard

👔 Studio Role

👩‍💻 Studio Portfolio