Implemented a Transitions context menu which appears when Right-Clicking transitions when a transition is selected.

Transition Context.gif


Makes a copy of the transition and switches its Source and Destination.

Whether this reverses the condition mode or not can be set in Setting Up Controller Editor.


Redirect Transitions:

Makes a copy of the selected transitions (Step 1) directed to the selected states (Step 2).

Step 1: Select Transitions to Redirect. Turn on "Redirect Transitions". Step 2: Select States to Redirect TO. Turn off "Redirect Transitions".

Transition Redirect.gif

Replicate Transitions:

Makes a copy of the selected transitions (Step 1) going out of the selected states (Step 2).

Step 1: Select Transitions to Replicate. Turn on "Replicate Transitions". Step 2: Select States to Replicate FROM. Turn off "Replicate Transitions".

Transition Replicate.gif

From/To Any Transitions:

Switches the transition From or To an AnyState transition while maintaining settings and conditions. If switching FROM AnyState, it replicates the transition from every other state.


Replacing (Toggle):

If enabled, will remove sampled transitions. Hold shift before right clicking to temporarily toggle for next function.

Transition Replacing.gif