Anavar 10 mg Online Apotheke (50 tabs) | Oral Steroids

Product Name: Anavar 10 mg

Category:Oral Steroids

Ingredient: Oxandrolone

Manufacturer: Maha Pharma

Qty: 50 tabs

Price: $1.10

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70 USD. Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma Substance: Oxandrolone Pack: 100 Tabs (10mg/tab). The pectineus muscle is a flat, quadrangular muscle, situated at the anterior (front) part of the upper and medial (inner) aspect of the thigh. The pectineus muscle is the most anterior adductor of the hip. Anavar or oxandrolone is a adjunct to therapy to promote recover of weight lost due to surgery, extensive infection, severe trauma, or prolonged corticosteroid use. It can also help with pain due to osteoporosis. It is a controlled drug due to abuse as a body building agent. Adult dosing is for two to...

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