Role: Design, UX, UI, Visual Design System, Front-End UI Engineering

Date: 2016 - 2017

🌐Live Demo:

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My Responsibilities:

Cintric's Analyst Panel (Project Mjolnir) was done in tandem with Cintrics rebranding efforts. As the person who was in charge of managing, developing and getting feedback from the team about the brand, I had a lot of fun working on Mjolnir.

I guided the visual direction of the UI, look and feel and UX. I watched Ex Machina a few too many times and was fascinated in making a highly technical feeling UI for a powerful product. As we developed it the product really started to come together and the UI needed constant refinements to grow with the new features.

In addition to the UX work and the look and feel I also worked with a full-stack developer to build out the HTML templates (.ejs), CSS Framework (.scss) and customizing a visual mapbox styles for our maps.

About Cintric Analyst:
