<aside> 🕰️ Archived newsletter

This is a past issue of the newsletter, and therefore may have references and commentary that are no longer accurate. This website is iterative and evolves week on week, so just keep that in mind. The latest newsletter is at the top of the homepage, here. Happy reading!


OK folks, it's time!

I've made public all the work that I've done so far on the Meditation feature category. It's not complete. But! It's roughly ready for you to start diving into.

Let me explain, and walk you through what's there so far.

Trying to do it all at once was probably the wrong way to go about it, because seriously the amount of content I'm aspiring towards is a massively long-term project, and iteration is the right approach! Iteration is what I'm doing already, anyway, so you might as well be a part of the process. Plus, I don't want to spend months and months saying "I'm still working on it, stay tuned!" over and over again, so, here we go. Incomplete content is clearly marked.

Introducing "the 3 Stages"

The Meditation feature category home page is largely unchanged, but many sub-pages are now present. I touched on this before in a previous newsletter, but this content centers around a division of three sections or "stages".

Start here: What's with the '3 Stages'? (Because that FAQ page is new too)

"Stage 1 - Getting Interested"

This stage has the most content so far, and it's largely a brain dump.

"Stage 2 - Interested; Now What?"

There's quite a bit here too, as well as some meaningful sub-pages and our first in-context usage of the glossary, which we'll get to in a minute.

The first meditation-related blog post is up now too, here:

Which is essentially an "intro to Buddhism". It's still incomplete, but it is very nearly done.

Two glossary posts are embedded in Stage 2 so far as well: