1. Go to Alipay.com
  2. Go to “我是个人用户” (I’m a personal user)
  3. Click "登录" ("Login")
  4. Scan the QR code with your Alipay app to login

Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 11.56.48.png


  1. Select “查看所有交易记录” ("Check your transaction record")


  1. Scroll to bottom and select "下载查询结果" ("Download search results")


  1. Click "点滴下载“ ("Click here to download")


  1. You'll download a .csv file. This file is encoded with GB-18030 encoding. If the characters inside the file look strange when opening, you may need to use OpenOffice to open it. They provide a functionality for you to choose which encoding to use when opening this file.