<aside> 💡 hey! i'm a 16 y/o developer based out of toronto — currently building in web3, specifically DAOs.


Who am I? What've I been working on? What am I doing? Check my loom 👍

tl;dr: worked within BCIs & AI for past year, am now excited within blockchain building out padawandao—a org to fund kids going to crypto conferences.

would love to jam out in gather and have some 🌶 convos :)

Check out my content 🤗

That time I shocked myself for fun ⚡

Electrocuting Myself Everytime I Say "Um"

That time I taught a computer how to detect guns 🔫

It took 4 minutes for 911 to be called, let's fix that with AI

That time I was curious about neurostimulation 🧠

Aleem Rehmtulla (🎄,🎄) on Twitter: "a digital anxiety pill 💊⬇️ / Twitter"