👋🏾 Hello!! Welcome to my journal where I store my brain farts, study resources & bits from my illustration journey. You are probably here cause you’re an artist or illustrator seeking to advance your skills or you are just a curious cat looking to peek behind the curtains ( 👁️👁️ I see you!).

Whatever your reason, please feel free to explore! I trust you’ll find useful content curated to help you in your journey & keep you entertained while you learn. Enjoy!

Aham ❣️

“Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient, trust the process, & enjoy the ride!”


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Discover my favorite collection of Art resources covering topics from drawing, creating content, to becoming a successful artist.

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Thank you frog.gif

📜 **Credits**
**🔗 [Cover Art by Aham Illustrates](<https://direct.me/ahamillusrates>)
🔗 Gif Stickers by [Pusheen](<https://giphy.com/pusheen>), [Kenny Gifs](<https://giphy.com/kennymays>) and [Muffin & Nuts](<https://giphy.com/muffinnuts/>)**