Product Requirements Document


This document is used as both a project tracking tool, listing related materials (presentations, prototypes, research, etc), as well as, a document to gather product requirements.

The idea for the Actor app was sparked by conversations with other projects in the space with the need for managing large communities.

Problem statement

Currently, participants of a decentralised organisation don’t have a way to connect or interact, on behalf of the organisation, with other organisations, arbitrary external applications, private accounts, contracts or protocols.

This is app will be a core part of the set of Aragon governance tools.

Project goal

The Actor app will enable the above interactions, acting in behalf of the organisation and conducting internal actions (ex: transferring funds between multiple Aragon app instances, having /arbitrary - binary/ permissions over other apps) and external actions (holding valuable assets ETH and ERC20 tokens, voting power in other DAOs, /and any other actions that a private account is able to do today/)

In simple words, the role of this app will be as the address of the organisation to interact with any other web3 applications.



We believe that creating an application that enables the management of assets and transactions between Aragon DAOs and external participants and infrastructure providers will increase the metrics of adoption and engagement on the platform by measuring the number of held assets and number of performed actions per DAO over a period of time / monthly?

Suggestion: 100 actions per month ??