The admin command line tool allows you to manage resources in Hoop.


hoop login

Get Resources

To view the resources you can get, type hoop admin get --help.

hoop admin get plugins
audit   -       0           6               -
dlp     -       0           6               -

Some resources return a tabular view. If they aren't available, you can use the -o json option. For example:

hoop admin get reviews -o json |jq .

The tabular view might include extra information, such as connections indicating which agent is linked or which plugin is associated with it.

hoop admin get conn
NAME                        COMMAND                                 TYPE          AGENT                   STATUS    SECRETS   PLUGINS
postgres-demo               [ "psql" "-A" "-F" "\\t" "-P" "pa... ]   database      demo-hoopdev-61242e2c   online    -         (8) audit, dlp, editor, indexer, r...
python-weasel-7602          [ "python3" ]                           application   flyioagent              online    -         (7) audit, dlp, editor, indexer, r...
ruby-on-rails-leopon-4156   [ "rails" "runner" "-" ]                application   contoso-macos           offline   -         (7) audit, dlp, editor, indexer, r...
ruby-on-rails-rat-6429      [ "rails" "runner" "-" ]                application   contoso-macos           offline   -         (7) audit, dlp, editor, indexer, r...

To retrieve a single resource

hoop admin get plugins audit

Creating Resources

To view the resources you can create, type hoop admin create --help.


Create an authentication key and start an agent locally

export HOOP_KEY=$(hoop admin create agent demo)
hoop start agent

List it