Building a good looking app isn't enough. It ultimately needs to provide excellent product advice. To do so, we'll have to match your products to the conversation we came up with in Step 2. Sounds complicated? It's just a little bit. 😉

Product matching is an excellent activity for the product expert in your company. Find the person who knows the most about the products you'll be advising on — and about the customers who use them — and get their help on this.

Integrate your product catalogue

First things first: we'll need to make your product catalogue accessible within Aiden. How? Easy: by uploading it as a CSV file, or integrating it as a product feed.

<aside> 💡 Find out more: Set up your CSV product catalogue

2. Upload your product feed


Match your products

In order to provide great advice, it's essential to match every single product in your catalogue to every single answer in your guided selling conversation. Luckily, we've made it easy to do just that.

<aside> 💡 Find out more: Match products to answers


<aside> 👉 Next up: Integration your new app on your website! Launch the app.
