This doc describes the process of adding Koncrete notifications to a Slack channel. Koncrete comes with Slack integration allowing users to customize notifications such that significant events that occur for an application are reported on Slack.

Add Slack Notifications to an Application

Slack notifications are customized by application. Notifications can be configured such that specific types of updates for a given application are posted to a specified slack channel. For example, anytime the application fails to sync correctly, a message could be posted to a "my-app-status" slack channel.

To add and customize slack notifications for an application, click the options button for that application (3 dots) in the Overview tab, then click "Notification Settings"

Next to the slack icon, click the option to "Connect to a new channel".

This will prompt connecting to a slack workspace in a new window. After connecting to the workspace, select which channel will receive the notifications.

Configure the types of events that will trigger notifications by selecting the corresponding check boxes. These can be modified at any time through this notifications panel.

Lastly, click SAVE NOTIFICATION SETTINGS to complete the process.

The slack channel should immediately populate with some details about the newly configured notifications!