Nounish Poem

  1. Write the word Nounish down the left side of a piece of paper (each letter will start of the first word of each line of your poem)
  2. Take it in turns to write a sentence beginning with each letter in the word Nounish
  3. They don’t have to rhyme but they can if you like
  4. (Do as many poems as you like)
  5. Share your favourite one

Family selfie

  1. Download and Print Noggle template from

  2. Each family member Decorate you Noggles

  3. Stick to frames or tape to your forehead

  4. Take a selfie

  5. Share


Nounish Dress Up

  1. Pick your favourite noun
  2. Make a costume
  3. You can all be the same Noun, or each pick a different Noun.
  4. Take a picture