During Season 5, the PM Guild introduced the concept of Active Membership, wherein individuals who put effort in the pursuit of the guild’s mission would be rewarded with governance rights and tool access. We continue to refine this criteria over time to serve the guild. This document should always hold the current criteria definition.

The last change to active member criteria is discussed and ratified here: https://discord.com/channels/834499078434979890/1088928939835142316

Table of Contents

Quick Links

PM Active Members Calculations

Guild Role Descriptions

Active Guild Member Role Description

The current Active Member definition can be found in Guild Role Descriptions (synced here for convenience):

Purpose: To contribute to the pursuit of the guild’s mission.

Rights (can dos) Responsibilities (must dos)
- Can have edit access to the PM Guild Notion

Calculating Active Members

The criteria for active membership is as follows:

Active membership can be calculated on any given day for any given timeline using this spreadsheet as a template. The process is as follows:

  1. Prepare spreadsheet
    1. Create a duplicate of the spreadsheet above
    2. Delete data in the Bounties and Kanban tabs
    3. Delete the Role Holders in the Summary Tab
    4. Change the Start of Period and Calculation Date (the # of tasks needed will automatically update)
    5. Open the document for commenting (anyone with the link can comment)
  2. Add bounties
    1. Get a CSV export of all completed bounties from bounty board
    2. Import the data into the spreadsheet you created in step 1
    3. Delete any bounties which go beyond the date range you are looking
  3. Add tasks
    1. Traverse the using the Tactical View and manually add all completed tasks within the time frame you are looking
  4. Add role
    1. Add all roleholders (elected, appointed, and multisig) to the Summary Tab
  5. Review all calculations in the Summary Tab to ensure they are correct
  6. Share with other members to check your work

Consuming the List of Active Members

Once active members are calculated, it needs to be shared with various members of the guild to update our tooling: