What is being done now

Talk about how COVID situation has put the focus on need to ensure that the service providers are well taken care of, well trained and motivated to do good service work.

The impact on Homelessness service providers from COVID-19

As homelessness service providers witness through more death as pandemic begun, it has been reported by the homeless hub that the population of service providers’ mental health condition has declined.

Service providers report higher level of mental trauma and stress due the fear of COVID-19 transmission sharing the shelter, and encountering suffering of the residents of the shelter place.

What is being done for the service sectors?

Organizational level

Non-profit community organizations, service support workers, community workers, and volunteers can heighten the level of ongoing training and support networks to address homelessness and advocacy of the service sectors’ mental health among direct service providers.

Policy level

Non-profit community organizations, service support workers, community workers, and volunteers will provide more funding, resources and correcting policy gaps with both federal and provincial level.

The organizations will continue to provide and expand more availability for mental health supports.