What is Hummingbot?

Hummingbot is a high-frequency algorithmic trading bot written in Python and Cython that allows users to run market making bots on its supported exchanges.

Everything you learned during the previous lessons such as creating an order, cancelling an order, and executing trades can be done with Hummingbot - but a lot of times faster even while you're doing other things.

To use Hummingbot, you can try out our online Test Drive or desktop client app. We will go through the set up in Stage 2: Beginner level.

Hummingbot Liquidity Mining Campaigns

The Hummingbot miner campaigns is a platform for market makers to earn extra rewards by providing liquidity to the markets listed in the platform. You do not have to use the Hummingbot software to be able earn liquidity mining rewards.

What is liquidity mining?

Liquidity Mining explained

Liquidity mining is the action of providing liquidity by users through creating maker orders and contributing to the order book depth and liquidity of the market.

Liquidity mining rewards are earned by users for creating maker orders for specific tokens and trading pairs


Hummingbot Liquidity mining vs AMMs and other liquidity mining options

Unlike AMM (automated market maker) platforms like Uniswap, Hummingbot focuses on DMM (Decentralized Market Making) in which users can pick and adjust their own strategies to provide liquidity to the market instead of relying on automated market making algorithms. By doing so, you have more flexibility of the how you can adjust your orders in different markets by running your own bots.

Hummingbot vs Uniswap

Hummingbot vs Uniswap: two approaches to liquidity