These rules can help writers who need to improve their business editing or academic proofreading skills in order to write an essay.

While personal correspondence can be full of implied meanings and imperfect grammar, people who create professional and academic writing need to have proper grammar. The following rules relate to writing sentences correctly and spotting sentence errors. This information can help people who tend to write confusing sentences, either because they do not include all necessary words or because they do not properly identify which words modify which in a sentence. It can improve academic proofreading and business editing.

Proofreading Work for Improper Modifiers

When I do my essay writing, I and writers who rely too much on implied meaning can create some confusing sentences. To avoid confusion, a writer should make it clear which words/phrases/clauses are modifying which words in a sentence, and should include clarifying words, if necessary. So, when writing sentences, a writer should look out for possible sources of confusion and use proper grammar to correct the issue.

According to a custom essay writing company, modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that modify other words in a sentence. However, sometimes it is unclear which word(s) they modify. To solve this problem, a writer should first identify which words modify them and then rearrange or add words. For instance, "He only weighed 120 pounds" should instead read: "He weighed only 120 pounds." The "only" modifies the amount of weight ("120 pounds") rather than the word "weighed," and it should be placed in front of the term it modifies.

If there is a possibility that a sentence can be misread, it should be changed. For instance, "We went to the park in the car" may be misunderstood to mean "We went to the park that was in the car." Instead, a sentence with proper grammar could be: "We drove to the park."

If a modifier does not have a subject, it can be confusing. To fix this problem, a writer can simply insert a subject. For instance, "Along with the accessories, some clothes were bought" could be changed to "Along with the accessories, the girls bought some clothes."

Academic Proofreading for Missing Words

Missing words can also lead to confusing sentences. While oftentimes sentences can still make sense without certain words, they can also be more difficult to understand. Some commonly-needed words that are often left out when writing essays include "that" and "who."

For example, when proofreading work it becomes clear that "I saw my favorite show was canceled" should be changed to "I saw that my favorite show was canceled." Otherwise, the reader may initially think that the fan saw the show when instead she or he saw the news that the show was canceled.

Also, in either academic or business editing words must be added to a sentence if the sentence seems unclear or incomplete without them. For instance, "I always have and always will love dogs" probably makes sense to most people, but it is an incomplete thought. Proofreading work by adding the word "loved" will avoid confusion and complete the thought: "I always have loved and always will love dogs."

For more information about writing sentences with proper structure, see the article: Buy Cheap Essay with Correct Sentence Style.

Source: Joseph Kirby. A Writers Reference: Fifth Edition. Boca Raton, FL, 2021


Writing Papers with Correct Sentence Style