Depending on the endpoint, you'll get a place object that looks like this:

    "pop": "11400000",
		"invisible": "false",
		"vaccinated": "3",
				{"day":"20200303","infected":"8","vaccinated": "3", "dead":"0","recovered":"1","sick":"7"},
				{"day":"20200204","infected":"1","vaccinated": "0","dead":"0","recovered":"0","sick":"1"}

id (string):

The unique id of the place. You can use this id to query its history via the /get-history endpoint.

<aside> 💡 Important: Sometimes regions may be split or merged, (e.g. a country may become multiple regions, or multiple counties may be merged into a state). Do not rely on a specific place to exist in the current list of places. Always retrieve the entire list of current places via /get-places before calling /get-history


country (string):

The Alpha-2 code of the country where the place is located. When the place can't be attributed to one country in particular (e.g. the Diamond Princess Cruise), the country code will be ZZ.

name (string):

The name of the place. It can be a city, region, county, province, state or country.

latitude (number):

The latitude of the city, region, county, province, state or country.

longitude (number):

The longitude of the city, region, county, province, state or country.

invisible (boolean):

In some cases, we need the data of a place but we don't want to show it on the map. Invisible will be true if the place is one of those regions or false otherwise. Here is a common example: