<aside> 💡 I'm happy to talk about content design or UX writing, personal and career development for designers, or any of the locations I've worked in or companies I've worked with. Just get in touch.


Who I am

I'm Natalie. I live in Bristol with my partner, child, and cats.

Natalie, wearing a sweater on the beach, on a sunny but cold day in Wales.

Natalie, wearing a sweater on the beach, on a sunny but cold day in Wales.

What I do

I'm a digital content specialist. I've worked in marketing, PR, journalism, publishing and design, and with subjects as varied as fashion, learning & development, arts, finance, telecommunications and defence.

I’ve had a few different job titles, but I usually call myself a content designer.

Where I do it

Currently, I work for Flo, helping build an experience that makes healthcare more accessible for women and people who menstruate, all around the world.

How I do it

As a copywriter, I balance precision in wording with a pleasing turn of phrase.

As a designer, I use research and data to make decisions about how to present the information users need, but also to find out what that is, and where to put it so they can find it.

As a strategist, I think about information – where it lives, what we know about it, how we talk about it, who’s responsible for it, where we store it, how long it lives there for, who looks after it, how they do that, how often, and where it is going to go when it dies.

<aside> 👉 You can read more about my work here.


Some pictures

Talking about my love for churches and abbeys (not castles) with David Dylan Thomas at Confab

Talking about my love for churches and abbeys (not castles) with David Dylan Thomas at Confab

Some audience participation running a lunch and learn on inclusive design

Some audience participation running a lunch and learn on inclusive design