The Inspiration & Our Mission

We started at Gunn High School, California, in February 2021 to amplify literary, creative voices in a heavily STEM-focused environment. In a time of physical separation, we wanted to bring together writers mentally.

Publication is NOT our ultimate goal. We’re looking for writing that is continuously improving, not just already brilliant work. We see this a writers’ workout group where writers can flex their writing muscles ****by practicing a new type of writing: collaborative writing. You’ll grow stronger because you’re forced to work with constraints, like driving forward a scene you’re suddenly dropped into without control of what’s happened before or what will happen after. Consider this a writing exercise.

So, whatever your skill level, whatever your experience, join us to redefine the bounds of high school writing.

The Flyer

Help us spread the word!

The Prose Train Flyer.pdf

The Contributors

The Team

All Writers

All Artists

All High Schools

“This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.” —Neil Gaiman