
A project with the goal of increasing the availability of local, state, regional, and global data of coronavirus models and statistics.

<aside> <img src="https://alpinex.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/alpine-option1-test1.png" alt="https://alpinex.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/alpine-option1-test1.png" width="40px" /> In partnership with Alpine X — Stay safe. 💙


<aside> ✍️ This page updated May 19, 2020


Head back:

The X Aggregator

What this project is about:

Hi there!

As you can tell from the description on every page, the purpose of this project is to increase the availability of local, state, regional, and global data of coronavirus models and statistics.

In mid-April, we as partners at X Research University and Alpine X wondered what we could do to assist efforts on key understanding of how this virus behaves. And you've surely by now seen plenty of outlets—primarily media and others in the news industry—aiming to do the same.

The X Aggregator takes a different approach—rather than telling you what to think, we give you the raw data, and let you make your own opinion. We've compiled top sources such as Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization. Anyone can submit a resource, provide feedback, help moderate the project, or donate.

After preparing our Team, consisting of business leaders, biologists, and now MIT's support and recognition as a global platform fighting COVID-19, we are excited to continue supporting our growing understanding of models, preparing for potential future pandemics, and encouraging people to think for themselves.

Thank you for your interest!

<aside> ❗ On the accuracy of sources: The X Aggregator makes no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or reliability of sources—the point is for you to make your own call on that. However, they are updated in real-time, so what you see on our end is exactly what you’d see on theirs.


Ways you can help:

<aside> 📎 Submit A Resource


<aside> 📣 Provide Feedback


<aside> 💙 Donate


<aside> 👤 Help Moderate




