
MRV 1O1 is a project that spun out of a founder’s circle in the ReFi DAO. When it comes to safeguarding our food supply from the effects of climate change, effective measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) of soil regeneration, Crops’ health improvement, and biodiversity enhancement are critical to helping small-scale farmers and growers navigate the tough challenges of climate change.

To help small scale projects get the full benefits of carbon, ecocredits, and other incentives for ecosystem services, MRV Research Group is working to publish MRV1O1, a guide to quickly understand and implement relevant MRV best practices.

The Problem

Traditional MRV approaches are prohibitively expensive, often constituting 30-40% of the costs for large projects over 1200 hectares. What’s worse, these expenses are always upfront before generating revenue from the project. Additionally, the MRV methodologies are difficult to understand and often do not include regenerative practices valued by local communities. Data gathered during traditional MRV practices is usually kept in silos and has no useful application or benefits for smaller farmers.

Small farmers produce most of the world’s food supply and they don’t have any solutions to turn to Regenerative Practices. This scenario offers us a significant opportunity for regenerative impact. Additionally, Small farmers need support in switching to regenerative practices to protect their farms and livelihood from the effects of climate change.

Our Solution

To publish a guide with the tools needed for small projects to conduct MRV and reap the rewards. In the guide’s first edition, we are starting with agriculture, agroforestry, and small-scale farming examples. We plan to cover other types of projects in future versions.
