Track your progress with this checklist: Fundraising checklist

Fundraising is all about generating momentum by **getting social proof and creating fear of missing out (FOMO). The more investors are talking to you (momentum), the more investors are saying yes (social proof), the more investors want to talk to you because other investors said yes (FOMO).

To be successful, you need to meet with as many investors as possible in the shortest amount of time.

<aside> 🙃 The goal is to meet with 100-150 investors over 2-4 weeks.


Fundraising is a full-time job. Do not start raising money until you can dedicate yourself exclusively to fundraising for 3-6 months.


Build a network of founders

The best way to connect with any investor is to get an introduction from their portfolio startup founder. The more founders on your network = more intros = more meetings.

Start growing your network 6-9 months before fundraising. Attend industry-related events or use networking platforms.

Try to meet 1-2 founders per week. 2 founders per week * 9 months = 72 potential referrers.