Investing in a brand-new realistic sex doll is a big decision; it’s a matter of quite some cash. But a sex doll is one of a kind. They are uniquely crafted to match every owner’s desire.

Everybody who has been a proud owner of a sex doll would claim realistic sex dolls are superior to real women. And given the choice, they would never plan to have a relationship with a real woman. We talked to several of our buyers and people we know of having sex dolls. We created this list of reasons as to why they would choose a doll over a real woman.

A realistic sex doll will beat a woman every single time, and here’s why …

Realistic sex dolls are safer than any woman you have been with.

Neither men nor women move around with a safety tag on; you’ll never know who’s safe and who’s not. Even if both of you never had had sex, you can still carry a few diseases within. STDs are of various types, and the ones carried by viruses are harder to control. Condoms do add a layer of safety but aren’t infallible.

Sex dolls are the safest when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases. Realistic sex dolls are absolute virgins, they have never been touched before the owner himself. Neither can they bring in diseases because they wouldn’t cheat on you. So, unless and until you are sharing your doll with a group of friends, she is the safest.

Realistic sex dolls are low maintenance.

While getting the sex doll has an initial expense, it’s still cost-effective compared to dating a woman. A good-quality realistic sex doll will last you for a long time. And if you use the doll properly and care for it, it will have the least possible wear and tear.

[Recommended Read: 7 Tips on How to take care of a sex doll]

Women on the other hand are high maintenance; they have demands and desires that need fulfilling. If you have dated a woman before, you would know how expensive dating can get. She would expect gifts, dinner dates, outings, and more… And these are just the initial stages. A realistic sex doll would only ask for effective cleaning and material maintenance.

Realistic sex dolls are loyal partners to have.

Even if you put the maximum effort into a relationship, is there a guarantee the person would never leave? There isn’t because human hearts are wild and not meant to stay in a place. But realistic sex dolls are loyal companions and stay by their owner’s side no matter what. Another great attribute about realistic sex dolls is, they aren’t moody, never say NO, and do not ask anything in return.

Inflatable sex doll vs solid TPE sex doll – what should I get?

Inflatable sex dolls are the affordable versions of dolls. They are air-filled, made of PVC+TPR material, silicone faced with 3D eyes. Not as realistic as solid TPE dolls, but far superior to cheap blow-up sex dolls.

[Read More: Semi inflatable sex doll vs Solid TPE / silicone sex doll]

Solid TPE dolls are far more realistic compared to inflatable dolls. Made of soft thermoplastic, these dolls feel like real women with their soft and supple skin. They have a flexible inner skeleton and are not hollow.

If you are a newbie with a small budget, inflatable sex dolls will do just fine. Solid TPE sex dolls are a little more expensive but are way more realistic, offering better pleasure. Before you bid adieu, do check out the collection of our realistic sex dolls.