Before you carry out your judging on the Assessing Primary Writing (APW) task, please take a look at this step-by-step guide which will support you in making your judgements as reliable as possible.

(1) Prepare for the year group you are judging

As a judge on the APW task, you may be judging pieces of work from a year group that you do not normally teach. For example a Year 1 teacher judging Year 6 writing or vice versa. Therefore, briefly familiarise yourself with the kind of work you will be seeing.

(a) Look at the exemplar booklets for that year group from a previous year - e.g. these from 2021-2022:







(b) Look at the Teacher Assessment Framework for writing for the key stage

If you are a little unfamilar with the writing TAF for the end of that Key Stage, please have a quick look at these links. But during the judging, we recommend you use your professional judgement for your decisions, not just these criteria.

(2) Use your professional judgement

As highlighted above, we do want you to use your professional judgement during the judging. One of the advantages of comparative judgement is the flexibility it provides in making decisions. Please see this blog on the considerations that judges make in their APW decisions.

What do judges look for? Formative considerations for the judgement of writing

(3) Take a look at the task test materials

When you sign up as a judge on a task, you will see the corresponding assessment stimulus there. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with this.

(4) Don't worry if you make a mistake

If you accidentally click the wrong left or right button during your judging, and you immediately realise, you can undo your last judgement by clicking on the Undo button at the top of a screen. This will remove the last judgement and you will then see a new comparison to make.