But what if I fall?

So I’ve got absolutely no business writing about a work life balance.

I’m scared sh*tless of not being ‘successful’.


Maybe there’s someone just like me. **Who cuss like me, who just don't give a f*ck like me. Who dress like me, walk talk and act like me.

Yes, that is Slim Shady.

Yes, it’s been a big day.

No, I don’t expect you to read another one of these after that, fair enough.

Jokes aside, what I’m getting at is that while I’m far from an expert on anything, and as I haven’t figured out who the audience is for the blog, if even there is one… I can only write what I think I myself might relate to or want to read.

If you’re married with children and reading this, I don’t think I can help you, go and play with your kids.

45 minutesAh, work life balance, the age old dilemma.

**I accidentally liked a Gary Vaynerchuck post once…

That was the beginning of the end.**

If you’ve every stumbled upon GV then you know how much the hustle culture makes you feel like a sack of sh*t. Even after a full day’s worth of work I felt guilty for not sinking three and a half hours into a side hustle each night.

Sure, I can’t argue that the ‘hustle now, enjoy later’ mindset hasn’t paid me dividends in work ethic and opened many doors, but you do have to wonder where you draw the line in the sand.

If you’re in your teens and 20’s, you’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime to seize an asymmetric risk reward bet on yourself, especially in the digital age.

Most of you in that bucket have very little to nothing at all to lose, and working hard now could see you enjoying more years of your life off of the tools and in the beach chair.

I suspect you may have now seen enough TikTok financial influencers preaching compound interest to last you a lifetime, or three for that matter, so I’ll spare you the 411 on the 7th wonder of the world.

But the point is, maybe this is the best opportunity you’ll ever get to set yourself up for the rest of your life, right?

Maybe, indeed.

But as we all know, there’s another side to the coin.

Time. F*cking time.

What I would give for some of it back, and likewise for some of it to have passed quicker.

Probably for the best, but we don’t have the luxury of picking and choosing. Nor the luxury of getting any younger.

So if these are the golden years, do you take a few months off, burn some skin and some savings? Or, take that night job for some extra cash and pretend you’re the next Warren Buffet instead?

As is the common theme to my writing, you’re asking the wrong person for the answer to that question.

However, even after luckboxing my way into more money than I could fathom last year, and subsequently paying it all back to Mr Market again early this year, the only regrets that stay with me have nothing to do with my finances.

So, from someone that should take his own advice…

Take that trip.

Enjoy the process.

Make time for your mates.

I’m sure you’ll figure it out later.

45 minutes 04/08/22