I setup the vapolia.eu and raids.notionsharp.eu websites to use Notion as the Content Management System (CMS). I will explain how to setup yours in 5mn.

<aside> ♻️ I am a freelance. R&D is a key part for the developer's community. If you keep going beyond what a SDK gives you, you'll always be ahead of your competitors. It could be significant work, and often don't pay much.

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❓ Why Notion

Notion started a new generation of wysiwyg editors, fluid, oriented on content and productivity. It is cloud connected, uses a browser or a native app - which also works offline -, and is enabled for simultaneous users.

It has some neats features like an infinite undo/redo stack, automatic history backup, drag/drop images, video and documents like you would in a Microsoft Word document. You yell Aloha when you discover that you can naturally embed a page into another: it has a tree structure instead of being a flat doc. And that changes everything.

A Notion space is made of root pages. A page can "contains" other pages. It is still a page where you can add any content - text, video, code blocks, tables, ... - but in Notion's terminology it is called a collection.

You can not format things as you like. Instead Notion provides a set of limited predefined styles. By not loosing time formatting things, you are focusing on a more valuable task: your content. And that is the real power of Notion.

Notion also has a powerful API which is leveraged here to get the structured content of the pages. A structured content is not HTML: it represents the data and some hints for displaying it, organized into a json tree. That's what makes it powerful. This data can be displayed on any device using any technology: web, native mobile apps, native Windows apps, TV, LCD, ...

📜Using Notion as a CMS

In 2 simple steps.

Our website will have a left column displaying the menu items and a content reflecting the selected menu item. Each menu item has an icon and a text, both retrieved from the page's Title you will set in Notion on step 1.


1. Create some content in Notion

Start by creating or logging into a Notion.so account.

We then need to create a specific hierarchy of pages. Start the hierarchy with one blank page at the root of your "private" space. This page is the root page. Set its title to 'MySite CMS'.