
Keeping track of students, projects, deadlines.

By providing a dashboard with information about students, including their specific projects, those project deadlines, and what messages have gone to them.

As a professor, I have a lot of grad students I mentor. I’d like to help keep them on track, but I can never remember their project deadlines, or when my feedback to them is due. I need an app that allows me to enter in all the important dates by category (ie student project deadline, feedback deadline, letter of recommendation deadline, etc.) and automatically remind me or the student before the deadline. Never miss an opportunity to member ever again!


-Add to, update, or remove from the list of students. -See a list of a specific student's important projects or research papers and when they are due. -Create an automated message to be sent to myself or a student — via email?

-Text messages via Twilio)

-Student Dashboard

-Chat App

-Mobile version of the app

-Edmodo — Provides teachers an easy way to communicate with students about their grades, send them assignments, and hear back from them on what they need help on.

-ClassDojo — Provides teachers a way to connect with students and parents — multilingual messaging options, options to share content and messages.

-Gradebook pro — Provides teachers automatic grade calculation, status report notification emails for students or parents, attendance reports on PDF, and more.

Design - Planning

Optional but highly recommended Please refer to this document:

Copy of Build Weeks: Planning & Design Worksheet (How to build a beautiful application)

-Building a marketing page with color scheme, etc.


Frameworks - Libraries

-Styled-Components, Reactstrap, Material-UI, PostgreSQL