By Alex Sherwood aka aNotioneer

<aside> ⚠️ If you're viewing this page in, click here to see the original.


<aside> 👋 This guide explains how to move one or several pages from one workspace to another.

If you have any questions, feel free to add a comment.


  1. Put all of the content, that you want to move from one workspace to another, under a temporary top level page and..

    <aside> ⚠️ Notion does not support moving top level pages which is why you have to create a temporary top level page, move the content that you want to share beneath it and then share that.


  2. Then log into Notion, with the email that has an account in the workplace that you're moving your content to and..

If you found this guide useful, you can can buy me a coffee here ☕️

aNotioneer is creating templates and guides for the Notion community 🖤