
• co-created smart & clean urban infrastructure and services • carbon-neutral energy services including smart grid, smart metering and electric vehicle network  • solar power plant and power storage solutions • smart waste management, smart minigrids and mobility as a service (web)


Smart Kalasatama is already a vivid Smart City experimental innovation platform to co-create smart&clean urban infrastructure and services.

A key ambition of Smart Kalasatama is to turn smart and clean development truly human centric.

Smart Kalasatama Innovator’s Club network meets regularly to offer a platform for matchmaking and sharing for all the active developers in the district. Moreover, the Smart Kalasatama programme hosts weekly cocreation workshops and events to accelerate smart and sustainable urban development in the district.


The Intelligent Cities Challenge, EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs Nordic Smart Cities Network


“The vision of Kalasatama is that smart services save one hour of citizen’s time every day” (Web)One of the core ambitions is providing an urban lab

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