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Show Notes

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<aside> ✂️ Episode Title: The Best Days are Ahead with Dr. Ena Shelley

Dr. Ena Shelley was supposed to retire, move into her newly-purchased house, and bask in the Georgia sun. But then life got in the way. During a meeting, she came down with a headache. But this wasn’t just any headache. Something was wrong, and she was rushed to the hospital.

Instead of hanging pictures in her new home, Ena spent time in the hospital for a subdural hematoma, a brain bleed. Instead of fundraising for charities and volunteering like she normally would, she underwent extensive therapy. She was flooded with thoughts about her family and her future, but she was 110% determined to get her life back on track.

In this episode, Ena shares her story of survival and what it means to play the hand you’re dealt. As you listen, you’ll hear about what it truly means to serve others and how to stay grateful after facing the hardest challenges imaginable.

Key Takeaways:

What to Listen For:

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