You will spend 90,000+ hrs at work during your lifetime. That’s about a third of your waking life (#mindblown?). Let’s make it worth it 💪

So, congrats on taking the lead and diving into your first JRNY coaching program, Find Your Way to Work. Here’s how the next 4 months will look like:

<aside> 💡 Note: Each daily exercise builds on top of the previous one, and each module builds on the previous module, so you have to complete them in order.


✏️  Module 1: Identify your Work Pressures

Work pressures are pressures you feel about your day-to-day work, your future career, what you want and need from work, and how it all affects you. In Module 1 you’ll identify and acknowledge your work pressures over the course of four days. At the end, you’ll reflect on which pressures serve you and which ones don’t. You’ll imagine what you’ll be able to do without them, and decide what actions you want to take based on what you learned.

✏️  Module 2: Discover Your Core Values

In Module 2, you’ll discover your core values to help you make decisions with clarity and confidence. Values drive your behaviour whether you know it or not, and if you make decisions that aren’t aligned with them, they often won’t feel right. By the end of Module 2, you’ll know and define your top five core values and end up with a powerful tool to evaluate your decisions.

✏️  Module 3: Define Your Workview

Your workview is exactly what it sounds like, it’s your view of work. During Module 3 you’ll nail down what motivates you to work and consider questions like “What work means to me?”, “Why work?” and “What defines good work?”. By the end, you’ll create your own workview that will act as “your north star that guides you towards a fulfilling career and helps you say ‘no thank you’ to opportunities that don’t align with your values (Designing Your Life).

✏️  Module 4: Recognize Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Module 4 is all about understanding what you’re good at, what you’re not good at, and what you actually like doing. You’ll review your previous positions, take a quiz, and ask for feedback from people who know you best, to leave no stone unturned. At the end, you’ll take stock of everything you’ve learned so far to find your superstrengths — skills you’re good at that you love to do and want to develop further.

✏️  Module 5: Understand Your Energy Levels

During each workday you’ll experience a mix of things that give you energy and things that drain your energy. Understanding what those activities, environments and people are is crucial to help you design work days that you’ll enjoy. In the first five days of Module 5, you’ll log your energy levels to start noticing what gives you energy and what drains it. At the end, you’ll analyze your logs to create your own list of energy giving and draining activities.