Community leaders are a significant part of our community. In stepping into a leadership role with 7 Cups, you have agreed that you align with our values and wish to uphold our mission. You have the ability to inform and influence our community members. So, it is important to lead by example and be a role model to inspire others to aspire to be someone like you to extend support to others.

Including the General, Forum, Listener & Member Chatroom Guidelines, and rules and policies currently in place, as a community leader, one has to be committed to these reminders and rules to perform their leadership duties and responsibilities effectively to help us foster and protect our community, its projects/programs, and all the users.

<aside> 💡 Originally posted here!


Specific Guidelines in Specific Domains

<aside> 💡 Toggles {▶️} are expandable and contain more details on the respective guidelines!
