Originally posted here!

Our objective is to streamline the process and keep you well-informed. Not many people struggle with several behavior points, but for people who do, we want to ensure that you can take steps to improve your behavior and be part of the community. We had originally launched the system in 2016 and in 2020 we updated and re-emphasized it.

This process is designed to provide you with an opportunity to improve. We do not have any intentions to punish anyone but we do need to keep people accountable for their behavior. It is your community and how you behave, that impacts it as well. Our purpose is to provide better help & support and a compassionate environment to all.

<aside> 💡 We all want to be part of a community that fosters high warmth and high expectations. It is the best way to lead a community because everyone deserves support and compassion.


Important terms and their meanings