by @abhia90 // newsletter // youtube

YC Partner Kevin Hale goes over the fundamentals of pricing and monetization, how it affects your customer acquisition strategy, and how to optimize it through a few rules of thumb.

tldr; Pricing is THE MOST IMPT aspect of Sales (biggest bang for your buck)— understand the variables well and you will do well; Go after early adopters in the beginning (they care more about benefits than price!); your price determines your acquisition strategy

Demand/Yield curve; What you're trying to figure out when you're optimizing the price you're charging your customers is "How much do I charge vs How much sales optimization do I get ?"— So you try different prices and see what the effect is

Easy version of price optimization— notice how $15 price generated highest revenue— keep in mind that $5 and $10 are lost opportunities— this is what you're going to see if you offer discount pricing or tiered pricing

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