You're at home watching your favorite tv show. The storyline is approaching its climax. Then -CRASH - nothing! Thanks, space junk. When satellites stop working, your cable goes out, Siri can't give you directions and you can't post that latest photo to Instagram. Now imagine those impacts at an interplanetary level.

So who's responsible for this complexity and apparent chaos in space? We all are.

Eyes on the Sky seeks to catalyze environmental protections in near-earth space and maintain balance across the lands, oceans, and atmosphere.

Eyes on the Sky kicks off with a six-part series consisting of twelve, 30-minute episodes that peak into the complexity and offer solutions on the geopolitics, environmental impact, and new points of commerce that are impacting the future of space exploration, services, and activities. This series will introduce the mainstream audience to the current chaos in space, showing that it is the textbook definition of a "complex system," and offer solutions on finding a balance to our life on earth and in the sky. This program will focus on reaching a mass audience (no matter race, gender, or age). Our goal is to build this as an intergenerational story for anyone interested in becoming a citizen scientist, who want to make connections to their everyday life and how it impacts our future exploration of space.

6-Part Documentary Series

Eyes on the Sky series will cover the three core themes of environmental issues and protection, geopolitics, and space commerce.