
✅ Long tail to L1 (ETH)

✅ L1 to long tail

✋ Long tail to L1 (Shitcoin to L1 EVMs / BTC)

✋Long tail <> Long tail cross chain

✋ Optimize the routing for best rates.

What are the costs associated with this?

Engineering Time, Product Time, Marketing Time/Campaign,

Fork thorswap router and add our own fees. technical lift is low but risk is super high.

How do we know it works? (Success/Failure Criteria)

What is the planned dashboard or metrics management strategy? E.g., min performance KPI, range of success and failure cases, min revenue or TVL expectations.

Tracking of ERC-20 Trades via TC will be done via the Dashboards on MixPanel.

We’ll add a flag to track them outside of thorchain swaps.

Growth Success Failure


Is this L1 integration worth while vs doing a more robust aggregator who would support L2 trades as well?