This documentation will cover the file specifications, the basics of animation in Blender, the proper way to export an Emote, and how to import one into the Builder.

Download File

Blend File for Rig 1.0


Animation Specs Chart

Frame Rate 30 fps
Max Length 10 seconds (300 frames)
Animations per File 1
Export Format .glb
Sampling Rate 2 or 3 (if needed)
Max File Size 1 MB
Max Animation Distance 1 meter (in any direction)
Max Animation Height 1 meter

You can find a more detailed explanation of the animation specifications below.

Before Starting

Frame Rate

Before getting started, it’s important to check the frame rate. Decentraland’s animations must have a frame rate of 30 fps. The rig file provided probably has that set up, but since Blender’s default value is 24 fps, it is best to double check before starting (a wrong frame rate will affect the speed of the animation). That option can be found in Output Properties (the printer icon) under Format, as shown below:

Make sure the framerate is set to 30 fps before starting.

Make sure the framerate is set to 30 fps before starting.

Pose Mode

In Blender, a rig can be viewed in three different modes: Object Mode, Edit Mode, and Pose Mode. Animations can only be done in Pose Mode (in that mode, controls have colors). With the rig selected, you’ll find that option in a dropdown menu, at the top right.

Changing to Pose Mode.

Changing to Pose Mode.