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Sometimes a small tip can be just as valuable as a tutorial or course. Especially, when it helps someone save time or achieve more structurally. This is especially useful if your community is focused around a complex topic or skill (eg. programming, designing, music production), or a product that has a steep learning curve.

Pro tips


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Wes Bos treats his developer community with bite-sized tips to improve their dev-workflow

Wes Bos treats his developer community with bite-sized tips to improve their dev-workflow

"Ableton tips" is very popular among the Ableton community of music creators. Fun fact. This is not even an official Ableton Instagram account, people just love to have their bite-sized content in their timelines to learn something on-the-go.

"Ableton tips" is very popular among the Ableton community of music creators. Fun fact. This is not even an official Ableton Instagram account, people just love to have their bite-sized content in their timelines to learn something on-the-go.

Framer Community - The team has also created a series / playlist on Youtube with more of those videos:

Framer Community - The team has also created a series / playlist on Youtube with more of those videos:

Framer Community - Notice how the video can be played directly inside the chat stream, so people can consume the content directly.

Framer Community - Notice how the video can be played directly inside the chat stream, so people can consume the content directly.