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Making product announcements is one of the earliest things you can consistently do. Make them fun and attractive. See some of our tips below.

Pro tips


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Framer community - Notice the love 🥰

Framer community - Notice the love 🥰

Unstack – Product update in video - Introducing new updates via video announcements – by the CEO

Unstack – Product update in video - Introducing new updates via video announcements – by the CEO

Dovetail – Product update message - Short and sweet. Some exciting emojis. Thanks team members and involves them in the conversation 👏

Dovetail – Product update message - Short and sweet. Some exciting emojis. Thanks team members and involves them in the conversation 👏

Linear – Product update incl. video - Linear does interested product updates in Twitter threads incl. amazing screencasts to get a quick impression. In their community; a summarized change log that links to the Tweet which embeds the video in the community.

Linear – Product update incl. video - Linear does interested product updates in Twitter threads incl. amazing screencasts to get a quick impression. In their community; a summarized change log that links to the Tweet which embeds the video in the community.

The Sales Automation Family by lemlist - A smart way to get people to respond & request beta testers

The Sales Automation Family by lemlist - A smart way to get people to respond & request beta testers