<aside> 💡 Keep your report concise, don’t extend too much, and find the right balance of details, numbers, and qualitative information. It’s not mandatory to use all the sections described in this template, keep the ones that make more sense for your company and make sure to include all the relevant information.


Date: [instet date and specify the timeframe (month or quarter)]

Intro / Overview

[Summary of the most significant achievements of the period. If the investors had to read just one thing, it should be this. You can also include a brief description of the company]


[List the results of the period that you are most proud of. Be specific with the description and use metrics]



[Share any difficulties or non-accomplished goals. Being transparent with the bad news might improve the relationship with your investors. You can use the “Asks” section to request help]


Growth / KPIs

[Detail key growth numbers, KPIs, and any notable customers closed during the period. Include graphics to compare the metrics per month. Use US$ for the amounts]

[If you want to provide more details, you can include a link to your DataRoom, Data Studio or Dashboard]


[Show new products/services released, and the ones in the development pipeline. If the product roadmap has changed, explain the reasons and potential effects on business performance]