<aside> ๐Ÿคน At garden3d, we have an internal organizing framework called Working Groups, for anyone who's passionate about any initiative to bring together a group of people, and start pushing forward new initiatives on behalf of the entire company.


Core Tenets of Working Groups

<aside> ๐Ÿ“Œ Interested in Stewarding a Working Group? You can follow the recommended process for that here: โ€ฃ


  1. A Working Group can be about any topic, and can be started by anyone, and should be welcoming to anyone.
  2. A Working Group should have a Steward, who can help answer questions for the rest of the company. (The Steward can change over time)
  3. Working Groups should have a recurring google calendar invitation, to keep momentum strong.
  4. A Working Group homepage should define it's norms, how others can join, what it's responsible for, and how people can learn about it's work.
  5. You can join a Working Group by reaching out to a Steward (on Twist!) and expressing interest.

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