<aside> đź“– Try Catch Essentials: Diversity in Tech 1. Introduction of Scale 2. Diversity Workplace Reports 3. Diversity in VC Funding 4. How Diversity Affects the Bottom Line 5. Women in the Workplace 6. Inclusive Leadership 7. True Gender Inclusion in Tech 8. LBGTQ+ Inclusion in Tech Conclusion & Acknowledgements



Founded by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg (whose 2010 TEDTalk inspired a book and an organization of the same name: Lean In) in partnership with McKinsey & Co, have just published their 2019 annual report on Women in the Workplace.

While women make up an approximate half of the entry level work-force, it’s at the managerial promotion phase that men begin to overtake the lion’s share of senior positions.

While corporate America has been getting better at employing women at senior levels, women remain to be underrepresented at each and every level in the workforce.

You can read the key takeaways on the Lean In: Women in the Workplace landing page.

However, the essential read - one in the series of special reports concerning the study by the Wall Street Journal - adds much more context and information to these findings.

The Essential Read

Where Women Fall Behind at Work: The First Step Into Management | The Wall Street Journal

It has been acknowledged that women face unfair implicit biases and discrimination in the workplace, leading to less growth and financial opportunities.

The most recent study pin-points that in 2019 the biggest detriment is a lack of initial opportunity into management roles.

This “missing first-rung” the report calls it, disables many women from ascending the metaphorical corporate ladder.

Women face a gender-specific, bias-imposed increased difficulty to even begin to make their way toward the top.

For every 100 men that are selected to move up the ladder into management, 72 women are selected, finds the report.

The ratio hasn’t moved significantly in the 5 years the study has been taking place.

Check out this essential article to further grasp the findings of the report, WSJ insights and interviews about the results.

Where Women Fall Behind at Work: The First Step Into Management

The Additional Reads

Women in the Workplace 2019 Report PDF | McKinsey & Company