You can add Input text fields to a template by choosing it from the components window.

Only one Input Text component can be added to your template. If you need to have multiple questions and multiple Input Text components, we recommend you consider creating a multi-screen in-app message.


  1. Name: the name of your Buttons component.
  2. Width: column stacks your buttons in column, row allows buttons to be inline. If you select row but don't see the buttons getting in line, you need to reduce their width.
  3. Font size: increase or reduce the size of the CTA. In px.
  4. Font color: change the color of the text.
  5. Background color: change the input-text's background color. Compatible with any color, hex codes, rgb, rgba, css gradients, and plain css colors. It's transparent by default.
  6. Border-radius: Increase the px number to round the input-text corners even more: 1px will be square, 50px will be very round.
  7. Border-color: Color of the border surrounding the input-text field. Gray by default.
  8. Border-size: thickness of the border surrounding the input-text field. From 0px (no border) to any integer. We recommend using borders not thicker than 3px
  9. Font family: the font used for this text component. Refer to the custom fonts section to see how to upload new fonts to your account.
  10. Margin-top: the space above your text component.
  11. Margin-bottom: the space below your text component.
  12. Dark mode - font color: the color of the font when in dark mode, border color: the color of the border for the input-text field in dark mode, placeholder text color: the color of the text that appears before the user has written in dark mode - if dark mode has been turned on in the Layout section for this template.

Creating your in-app message