Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

Time Duration Purpose Format Name
9:00 40 Activate Discussion Sketch Review
9:40 20 Activate Activity What's the Difference?
10:00 20 Study Lecture Key Points
10:20 10 Break
10:30 20 Activate Activity Tactics Match
10:50 20 Study Discussion Q+A
11:10 10 Util Next Week
11:20 20 Study Live-Code Challenge Solutions
11:40 End

Sketch Review

<aside> 🧟 1) Discuss your question. 2) Look for related sketches from the past week. 3) Answer your question using a related sketch to illustrate your points. 4) Add your key points and a link to your selected sketch below. 5) Share your screen to present and discuss your question, answer, and related sketch.


  1. Choose a common theme that has appeared in several pieces. Discuss the theme and two example sketches.

    3D theme






Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 9.19.44 AM.png


  1. Choose a work that you feel used parameters very well. Why did you choose this piece?

    Olivier’s Code:



  2. Choose a work that you like and don’t know how it was made. Describe what you see.


  3. What benefits does starting with a plan have?

    1. Face generator: we feel that everyone probably planned what they want to create.
      1. What do we want to draw? What do we want to change? Image (drawn) constraints - such as position we want on the 500 by 500 canvas.
      2. What do we want to have change?
      3. What is the aesthetic?
      4. preload(){}
      5. Would have a clear goal finding solutions.
    2. More efficient coding, do not have to go back and fix image assets later
  4. What benefits does starting without a plan have?