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A board game for enjoying dialogue to develop empathy


これはいろんなテーマについて多様な価値観や感情になりきりながら、対話を楽しみながら遊ぶボードゲームです。 「他者への共感のきっかけをつくる」をキーワードに、本ゲームではプレイヤーの主張する意見が「感情ルーレット」によって、選択肢と感情が指定されますので、自分がどんな意見を持っていようと指定されたものになりきる必要があります。このようなルールを通して、自分と相反する価値観になりきることで他者に共感するきっかけを作ります。 またゲームを通して対話する際には「感情の石」を「ゲームボード」上に置きながら対話が進行されます。そうして対話が堆積する現象が可視化され、プレイヤー間がゲームのプレイ後に対話を振り返ることで新しい発見や価値を見出せるはずです。


Foster empathy. Enjoy "dialogue". This is a board game where you can play as various people with different values and emotions on various topics while enjoying the dialogue. The key phrase is "to create an opportunity to empathize with others," and in this game, the player's opinion is determined by the "Emotional Roulette," which determines the choices and emotions, so no matter what your opinion is, you need to be the designated one. Through these rules, we can create an opportunity to empathize with others by becoming someone with conflicting values. In addition, during the dialogue through the game, "emotion stones" are placed on the "game board" as the dialogue progresses. In this way, the phenomenon of dialogue accumulation can be visualized, and new discoveries and values can be found when players look back on the dialogue after playing the game.

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The reason why I created this work is because the question I asked myself in my graduation project was "What is the best way for design and its creators to create a future where we can continue to be human and be ourselves? in my graduation project. The power of design that I have come to understand through my studies in the Information Design Course is that "design is for envisioning the future.

However, as a creator, I felt that "design is still closed to the creator". As a creator, I create designs, give them to users, and have them experience them. I think there is a limit to how much we can bring out the independence and individuality of all people in this kind of forced relationship of design.

As a young person living in a time when our attitudes toward various social issues such as the new coronavirus infection, environmental problems, and technology and people are being questioned, I feel that we all need to think about the future together. With this in mind, we have designed a place called "Dialogue" where everyone can proactively participate, come together, share with others in front of them, and move forward together, with the hope that "society as a whole will creatively design the future.

I created this board game as an answer to the question, "What is the future of designers? I hope that the progress of my graduation project will encourage more designers to use design in this way.




