Hi! I’m Forest! 👋

I’m running for the Vice President of the Carleton Computer Science Society 🎉, and as part of my platform, I wanted to share some more of my vision. There is a lot that I want to focus on in the upcoming school year, and as Vice President, I believe I’ll be able to make lots happen.

The mandate of the Vice President is to manage meetings and engage with other members of the board, among other obligations. This will give me the ability to help bring my experience to events that the CCSS holds, and boost the capabilities of others who are volunteering for the CCSS.

In this document, I want to explore some of the work I want to expand in this upcoming school next year.

Quick links:



Work @ Carleton

Over the last few years, I’ve worked on several projects to help Carleton Computer Science students. After all the work that has gone into them, a big focus for me this year is finding other students that can continue work on them after I graduate.

I’m a very big advocate of open-source development. Nearly all the work I do is under some form of FOSS license. I want to provide material for students to not only learn from but also contribute to themselves.


I’ve worked with several other Carleton students to create Discretemath.ca, as well as a few other websites. My role has primarily been in the deployment of these projects. I’ve also coordinated with the SCS to make sure these projects will have sufficient infrastructure for the foreseeable future.


Hacking 1XXX

In Winter of 2021, I ran a hackathon geared at improving supplementary content for first-year students. Lots of different ideas were explored, and several are being implemented further. You can read more about the hackathon here:

Hacking 1XXX Handbook

Hack All The Things

I’ve run a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition for several years at Carleton. This is a competition that gets students to solve security-oriented puzzles, and submit text “flags” once they find the solution. This event had lots of students from Carleton, uOttawa, and Algonquin participating.