The 42 Incubator at 42 Wolfsburg is a platform for 42 students, who are interested in freelancing and entrepreneurship in the IT sector and want to explore new I(o)T ideas and connect with businesses and startups to make a lasting change on tech and society.

We have a weekly meetup, idea jam sessions and 42 fellows/experts giving talks and workshops around entrepreneurship in IT and startups pitching their ideas to us.


Freelance Job Board

Past Idea Jams

VR/AR Lab Training

Incubation is the time elapsed between exposure to an idea, and when the idea becomes a reality.


<aside> ๐Ÿค I-42.6 next Friday, the 10th of August 2021 at 5 pm. @Kostas Chaniotakis presents "O(n) Complexity" Preparation for the upcoming pitch "Intelligent Workforce Planning"


Presentation Evangelos Spyromilios "AI Vision for autonomous vehicles"


Preparing Kaynos "Intelligent Workforce Planning"

Kaynos Presentation V1.pdf

What we incubate:

<aside> ๐Ÿ’ก Idea Jam: You have an idea what to build and which problem to solve? It's a space to try out and formulate any idea, expand and refine the idea and build working groups. Ideas can range from ad-hoc to serious and maybe a "crazy idea" will become a serious startup after all.


<aside> ๐Ÿคน Entrepreneurship: We organize talks and workshops on topics around Entrepreneurship by the Fellows and by Staff providing tools and insights to become an successful entrepreneur.


<aside> ๐Ÿ’ฐ Freelancing: Know-How & Support from students for students. Case studies onsite- and remote-freelancing. We talk about possibilities, pitfalls and which platforms are useful to get first clients.


Idea Jam: How to use

Idea Jam: Please add your idea as a gallery page and try to explain it in a few sentences. If you have additional resources you can link them there.

Current Goal: Brainstorm ideas for the Future HealthCare Startup Incubator by BIA,h_280,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/bia%2520stamp%2520(4)%2520(1)_edited.webp


Idea Jam "HealthCare"

Next Meetings